- Olympic Games 奥运会
- FIFA World Cup 世界杯
- Summer/Winter Olympics 夏季/冬季奥运会
- Athletics 田径运动
- Swimming 游泳
- Gymnastics 体操
- Cycling 自行车运动
- Football/Soccer 足球
- Basketball 篮球
- Tennis 网球
- The athlete broke the world record. 运动员打破了世界纪录。
- The team demonstrated excellent teamwork. 队伍展现了出色的团队合作。
- She won the gold medal in the 100m dash. 她在100米短跑中获得了金牌。
- The player scored a fantastic goal. 球员攻入了一个精彩的进球。
- The competition was fierce and intense. 比赛激烈而紧张。
- The stadium was packed with excited fans. 体育场挤满了兴奋的球迷。
- The supporters cheered loudly for their team. 支持者们为他们的队伍加油助威。
- Fans waved flags and banners to show their support. 球迷挥舞旗帜和横幅以示支持。
- The crowd erupted into celebration after the final victory. 决赛胜利后,人群沸腾起来庆祝。
- The organizing committee did a fantastic job. 组委会做得非常出色。
- The event was broadcasted to millions of viewers worldwide. 这一事件被全球数百万观众收看。
- The ceremony was attended by dignitaries from various countries. 各国要人出席了典礼。
- The officials announced the opening of the games. 官员宣布了比赛的开幕。
- She stood on the podium to receive the gold medal. 她站在领奖台上领取金牌。
- The champion lifted the trophy in triumph. 冠军激动地举起了奖杯。
- They were awarded with the title of world champions. 他们被授予世界冠军的称号。
- The victory brought glory to their country. 这一胜利为他们的国家赢得了荣耀。